Ponders of a Creative Entrepreneur

This is where I let my verbal ponders out.

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Thriving Under Pressure: Strategies for Creative Professionals to Navigate Increased Workloads

As a creative professional, whether you are an artist, designer, photographer, marketer, or entrepreneur, you may have experienced periods of increased workload that can be overwhelming and stressful. Whether due to a tight deadline or a sudden surge in demand, it can be challenging to maintain your creativity and productivity when you feel swamped with […]

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Multitalented Individuals: Overcoming Personal Challenges and Finding Acceptance in Society

As a multitalented individual, fitting in and finding acceptance in today’s society can be a challenge. Back in the Renaissance, it was quite normal to be a painter, inventor, engineer, astrologist, and beautician all in one, just think of Leonardo da Vinci. Many people often struggle to understand how one person can excel in multiple

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all artists v1

Mastering the Art of Marketing: Why it’s Vital for Artists to Build a Brand and Connect with Their Audience

As an artist, your work is a reflection of your creativity, passion, and emotions. However, creating great art is not enough to guarantee success. To be successful as an artist, you need to market yourself and your work effectively and consistently if you want the world to see your vision. Marketing is crucial for any artist who

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branding dilema choosing the right branding strategy for your business brand

The Branding Dilemma: Choosing the Right Branding Strategy for Your Business

Branding is a crucial aspect of any business, as it helps to establish a strong identity and differentiate a company from its competitors. However, choosing the right branding strategy can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to deciding whether to create separate brands, make sub-brands under one master brand, or keep everything on

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google ads management miroslavo

10 Reasons Why Google Ads Should be a Part of Your Digital Marketing Strategy

As the world becomes increasingly digital, businesses must adapt to new marketing strategies to stay competitive. Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, is an advertising platform that allows businesses to reach potential customers through targeted and relevant ads extremely quickly. Let’s dig into why you should be using it. Here are ten reasons why

10 Reasons Why Google Ads Should be a Part of Your Digital Marketing Strategy Read More »

BiCoaster Design by Miroslavo

Field That Values Creativity and Innovation: Have You Considered Becoming an Industrial Designer?

Industrial design is a field that involves designing and developing products and systems that are used in everyday life. It is a profession that requires creativity, technical skills, and a deep understanding of user needs and wants. If you’re considering a career in industrial design, you may be wondering if it’s a good choice. In

Field That Values Creativity and Innovation: Have You Considered Becoming an Industrial Designer? Read More »

Combining Art, Design and Marketing. Superpower and advantage.

Combining Art, Design and Marketing: A Superpower and Competitive Advantage

In today’s competitive and fast-changing business environment, having a strong brand identity that stands out and connects with customers is essential. However, building a brand that resonates with your audience requires more than just a catchy logo, a pretty website, or a clever slogan. It requires a holistic approach that integrates art, design, and marketing

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Miroslavo v Muzeum Umění a Designu Benešov

Kouzlo originálního obrazu: Jak umění může změnit náš život i prostor

Svět umění nás obklopuje všude kolem nás. Přitahuje nás a inspiruje nás k tomu, abychom v něm nacházeli vlastní pocity a myšlenky. Avšak, umění má také moc transformovat naše prostředí a ovlivnit náš život. Originální obraz může být více než jen kus dekorace. Může být symbolem naší vlastní kreativity, vyjádřením našeho jedinečného já a naší

Kouzlo originálního obrazu: Jak umění může změnit náš život i prostor Read More »

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The Power of Personalization: How Email Marketing Can Help You Connect with Customers

Email marketing has been around for a while, but it is still one of the most effective ways to connect with customers. The reason for this is simple: email allows you to personalize your messages in a way that other marketing channels cannot. By leveraging the power of personalization, you can build stronger relationships with

The Power of Personalization: How Email Marketing Can Help You Connect with Customers Read More »

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