
By Miroslav Stibůrek

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Simple Yet Elegant

Miroslavo's designs are known for their simplicity, graceful and organically beautiful shapes, inventiveness, and elegance. They can be artistic, almost sculpture like at times. On the other hand, they can also be technical and industrial looking. The answer to that is simple, every field and area has specific needs and different clientele. Products are designed for people and its use. Miroslavo's genius comes in his ability to mould his style to what is needed to get the job done. However, his signature design style tends to combine softer and sharper shapes, finding a line between the feminine and masculine.

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Electronic Coaster

A bidirectional electronic coaster that performs both cooling and heating functions in a playful and fun way.

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Fashion Watches

A watch designed for young people who appreciate minimalism, playfulness and colour combinations.

[:en]Industrial Design: Lily Shot Glass by Miroslavo[:] [:cs]Průmyslový design: Lily panák[:] [:es]Diseño industrio: Vaso de chupito Lily[:]

Flourishing Shot Glass

A Mayan-inspired shot glass that is comfortable to hold and an ornament for any interior.

[:en]Miroslavo’s Industrial Design: Window blind Larra by Isotra[:] [:cs]Průmyslový design od Miroslavo: Interiérová roleta Larra od Isotra[:] [:es]Diseño Industrial de Miroslavo: Persiana de la ventana Larra by Isotra[:]

Fabric Roller blind

The roller blind designed for ISOTRA a.s., which was designed to be pleasant for households and their owners.

Spatchel by Miroslavo


A spatula designed for artists and designed with painters directly in mind.

bicoaster miroslavo design

Aluminium Coaster

Aluminum coaster including gift packaging.

protronix radon sensor miroslavo

Radon Sensor

Design of air quality sensors for the manufacturer and development company of consumer electronics Protronix s.r.o.

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Construction Wheelbarrow

A garden wheel designed for everyday use. It has several patented innovations and improvements.

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Contemporary industrial design is about capturing the essence of a product and its brand and creating something fun, beautiful, functional and manufacturable. If you can also transmit emotions and thoughts through them, then we have something really special.

Miroslav Stibůrek

Lead Industrial Designer

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Our Key Design and Engineering Expertise

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Industrial Design

Industrial design is an integral part of every project, and this is our core specialty.

Breadboard Prototype


Breadboard Prototyping and PCB design a falls under our expertise within our team. We can develop the hardware as well as firmware.

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Prototype Development

We love making things with our hands, so naturally we offer this service and area in our company.

sampling station tapp water miroslavo

R&D Devices & Exhibition Stands

We can design and develop custom devices used for R&D, exhibitions or just pure fun.

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Intellectual Property

We have knowledge of patent and trademark applications in the EU region, so we can help you with IP.

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We have worked on numerous projects and naturally developed a wealth of experience, so we are happy to help you with your needs.

What Our Clients Say

Completed Design Projects

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