Passion Turned into Legacy: Miroslavo® is Now a Registered Trademark

It’s my great pleasure to announce that Miroslavo® has become an internationally registered trademark and brand name, and is now officially protected by law. This marks an incredible milestone in the journey of not just converting Miroslavo into a personal brand and a serious business but to a symbol and beacon for the unique combination […]

Passion Turned into Legacy: Miroslavo® is Now a Registered Trademark Read More »

registered miroslavo trademark4

Miroslavo Delivers a Striking Performance at Harvard’s Connext Conference

Miroslavo delivered a brilliant live painting performance at the close of HBS Online’s Connext Conference 2023, which was watched by more than 500 people from 171 countries. The moment was special and Miroslavo’s hard work paid off, his art receiving global recognition and appraisal, both from possibly the most famous and prestigious school in the

Miroslavo Delivers a Striking Performance at Harvard’s Connext Conference Read More »

Miroslavo Live Painting Performance

Unleashing Creativity: Miroslavo’s Live Painting Performance Will Take Center Stage at Harvard Business School’s Connext Conference

Hello friends, I’m excited to share with you that I will deliver a live painting performance at this year’s Connext Conference, hosted by Harvard Business School. As an artist always looking for new ways to express himself and connect with people, this event promises to be an incredible opportunity to showcase my distinctive style, creative process

Unleashing Creativity: Miroslavo’s Live Painting Performance Will Take Center Stage at Harvard Business School’s Connext Conference Read More »

Miroslavo painting live at Harvard Business School Connext

Získejte finanční podporu na průmyslový design díky programu Design Credits!

V oblasti průmyslového designu je klíčové držet krok s inovacemi a neustále se zlepšovat. Vývoj nových produktů, design obalů nebo zlepšování stávajících výrobků může být však nákladný a často si ne každý může dovolit zaplatit profesionální služby průmyslového designéra. Naštěstí existuje řešení: program Design Credits od CzechTrade a Ministerstva kultury. Co je to Design Credits?

Získejte finanční podporu na průmyslový design díky programu Design Credits! Read More »

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