Jaké je to jít si za svým

[blockquote text=”Čím rychleji plujete proti proudu, tím je odpor silnější.” line_height=”undefined” show_quote_icon=”yes” quote_icon_color=”#ccc”] Dělat co mě baví a naplňuje život je dar sám o sobě a jsem za to vděčný den co den. Život mi ze začátku nadělil spoustu výhod a prostředků k tomu, abych si mohl vybrat co chci v životě dělat. Úpřímně ta cesta […]

Jaké je to jít si za svým Read More »

[:en]The Journey: Digital art by Miroslavo[:] [:cs]Digitální kresba: Cesta Miroslavo[:] [:es]El viaje: Dibujo digital de Miroslavo[:]

Very Excited to Secure the Prestigious A’Design Award Second Year in a Row!

My shot glass called Flourishing Shot Glass was awarded the A’Design Award and I must admit that feelings of joy, pride, and humility are very much present. I’m gaining new prestige, worldwide publicity and my work will be exhibited in multiple exhibitions around the world. Time to celebrate. About The Flourishing Shot Glass by Miroslavo The

Very Excited to Secure the Prestigious A’Design Award Second Year in a Row! Read More »

Miroslavo was awarded the A'Design Award for the Flourishing Shot Glass

Miroslavo’s Work Was Present at 8 Exhibitions Worldwide in 2016

Thanks to Miroslavo’s appearance and success in the design world last year, he managed to appear in 8 exhibitions around the world: 2016 – Exhibition at “MOOD” Ex Chiesa di San Francesco, Como, Italy. 2016 – Exhibition at Bologna Design Week, Italy. 2016 – Samorosti Art Exhibition NOD Prague, Czech Republic. 2016 – Exhibition at Cube Design Museum, Kerkrade,

Miroslavo’s Work Was Present at 8 Exhibitions Worldwide in 2016 Read More »

a design awards and competition 2017 final call dezeen 2364 hero miroslavo
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