Ponders of a Creative Entrepreneur

This is where I let my verbal ponders out.

Miroslavo's Company Forest

Miroslavo plants first tree to offset CO2 emissions.

Sustainability is an important part of the Miroslavo brand and identity. As a company and an individual, Miroslavo provides services to other sustainable companies and also employs sustainable principles in its daily practices whether it’s designing, making, manufacturing, painting or living. We decided to further these efforts by joining with non-govermental organisations which contribute to

Miroslavo plants first tree to offset CO2 emissions. Read More »

Image credits: Yuri Arcurs.

What Has COVID-19 Taught Us About Sustainability and Ourselves? [Updated]

Ok, so it’s been more than a year since I wrote the article Why Should We Design for Sustainability?, which had received “beyond expectations” appraisal from readers on LinkedIn, Medium and various industrial design groups, some even saying: “the most comprehensive, insightful and structured article on sustainability.”. Having, recently, experienced a strong epiphany that I

What Has COVID-19 Taught Us About Sustainability and Ourselves? [Updated] Read More »

independence painting acrylic miroslavo


One of the most challenging paintings I have ever done. Not just because of its whopping size of 162x130CM, but mostly because of its emotional and intellectual content.⁠ You may perceive it in various ways, it’s entirely up to you how you want to interpret the artwork, after all, there will always be a certain level

Independence Read More »

obraz vino praha miroslavo

Rozhovor s Jirkou Kreuzmanem, sběratelem umění od Miroslavo

Vizuální umění je věc nádherná. Tvůrce má možnost volně vyjádřit své emoce a myšlenky. A když se zadaří a umělec svou tvorbu věřejně sdílí, tak si brzy najde své nové majitele, kterým pak dlouhodobě vylepšuje život, zapojuje jejich mozkové buňky a rozveseluje jejich fyzické prostory. Umělecká tvorba od Miroslavo se tímto vyznačuje a lidé si pořizují

Rozhovor s Jirkou Kreuzmanem, sběratelem umění od Miroslavo Read More »

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