Autodidactism and guided education can seem to contradict each other, but in fact, the combination of these two creates a powerful combination. Personally, it has helped to become a stronger learner.
[blockquote text=”In general, autodidacts are known to be self-learners, meaning they teach themselves in a way they like. They learn independently without the need or desire of direction, rules and agenda.” text_color=”” width=”” line_height=”undefined” background_color=”” border_color=”” show_quote_icon=”yes” quote_icon_color=””]
For me, I never enjoyed the prescribed path school teachers, professors or any other educational institutions have created for me. Why? It’s simple. I believe there is no one-fit-all method of teaching and curriculum, so I always preferred to learn what, when and how I wanted since it gave me the freedom to explore and learn more naturally.
That is not to say that educational institutions were not beneficial for me.
[blockquote text=”In reality, all the things I didn’t like at schools such as structure, meeting deadlines or discipline are now at the centre of my work ethic.” text_color=”” width=”” line_height=”undefined” background_color=”” border_color=”” show_quote_icon=”yes” quote_icon_color=””]
I went through a good grammar school where I learnt English, but it was not until university that I started to really explore my learning abilities since I felt more freedom and had the independence and motivation to learn. That’s when I learnt all the processes and research methods of higher education.
I applied them to my own independent learning. During university, I would say I spent 20% of my time on university studies and 80% of my time on independent learning outside the subjects I was enrolled in. I was learning anything I found interesting. Whether it was graphic design, flash animation, business, programming, accounting, science, mathematics, physics, basically whatever I desired and felt like I wanted to know.
Higher education and student life have provided me with an opportunity and atmosphere to explore my mind and be free to study whatever I wanted.
[blockquote text=”Education gave me a solid foundation with which to acquire my knowledge and has helped me become a better autodidact.” text_color=”” width=”” line_height=”undefined” background_color=”” border_color=”” show_quote_icon=”yes” quote_icon_color=””]
The focus of my learning is now more defined and relevant to what I do but I’m still very open and passionate about learning new things, languages, subjects and fields.[:]