
  • Colourful Abstract Paintings for Sale

    Break Free

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    [:en]Break Free is a new painting in Miroslavo’s new collection inspired by the United States. As the title of the artwork suggests, it explores freedom and the feeling of being shackled by unfavourable thoughts, environment, circumstances or ideologies.

    Created on a canvas of size 146x114cm, the piece is dominated by the representation of a US flag, most evident at the top of the painting.

    The more we look towards the bottom of the painting, the more of a transformation we see from the artist, who partially break from the explicit representation of the US flag and expresses his ideas and emotions in the painting in a way that we are used to seeing from his work: colourful, bold, energetic, meaningful and thought-provoking.[:]

  • Colourful Abstract Paintings for Sale


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    Peace represents a fearless kid which does whatever it wants no matter the consequences and a conscious adult that wants to make designs and plan specific executions. ⁠

    The whole scene actually starts as a fight between them, both trying very hard to get their way, only to realise that war is not the path to success. They eventually make peace by each finding their higher purpose in life, which leads them to start working together and break new ground. As a result, they create this mesmerising painting that draws the viewer into a world of human emotion and cognition with all its beauties, conflicts, and peculiarity.⁠

  • Colourful Abstract Paintings for Sale


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    At 81x100cm and with more than 15 colours intermixing together, making further hues and shades, this painting makes a true colour party and visual experience. Where it will transport you is a matter of your own imagination. One thing is for sure, every time you look at it, you will something new.

  • Colourful Abstract Paintings for Sale


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  • Colourful Abstract Paintings for Sale


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  • Colourful Abstract Paintings for Sale

    Den D

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    [:en]A commissioned piece capturing client’s input and symbolism that ranged from country colours to hobbies, interests and thoughts.[:]

  • Colourful Abstract Paintings for Sale

    Rock N Roll

     750 Read more

    [:en]Rock N Roll (2020) is the latest of Miroslavo’s masterpieces where we can see another advancement in his artistry and the introduction of a new splashing technique which pushes the composition a little further. The dedication to the craft and his unquenchable curiosity always makes him search for the new and the fresh. Innovation and pushing his own boundaries and limitations is in his absolute core so every new piece is better than the previous one. It’s guaranteed that if you get one of his paintings, you will have his best painting he made at that time. The immense energy and positivism that is inserted into his latest painting can be seen miles away. The combination of the full colour palette, his masterful vocabulary of techniques and the freedom and vigor with which he uses them, makes this painting true rock and roll.[:cs]Rock N Roll (2020) je nejnovějším z mistrovských děl Miroslava, kde můžeme vidět další pokrok v jeho umění a zavedení nové stříkající techniky, která posunuje kompozici opět o něco dále. Oddanost řemeslu a jeho neutuchající zvědavost ho vždy nutí hledat to nové a čerstvé. Inovace a posouvání vlastních hranic a omezení je v jeho absolutním jádru, takže každý nový kus je lepší než ten předchozí. Je zaručeno, že pokud získáte jeden z jeho obrazů, budete mít jeho nejlepší obraz, který v té době vytvořil. Obrovská energie a pozitivismus, který je vložen do jeho nejnovějšího obrazu, je vidět na míle daleko. Kombinace plné barevné palety, jeho mistrovského slovníku technik a svobody a elánu, s nimiž je používá, činí tento obraz skutečným rockem and rollem.[:]

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